Monday, June 23, 2008

closing a door...

Guess being on hols for too long allows one to wonder and ponder on life and its flow, for I have been thinking too much on the progression from one door to another at the end of my hols...

Then i thought, heck, life could be like going through a corridor of doors; each door giving a different path in life. Each door could be in different shapes and sizes, have different locks, have different keys and providing different outcomes, results and wealth.

The doors so far, have given me different and wonderful things; flowers, fruits, along with the thorns (but i guess thorns would just slow you down and not kill you... that which does not kill you, only makes you stronger..). However, the doors that I have gone through in the past have been relatively easy to close unlike the one i'm about to close. I'm pretty sure I know the reason why.. but it could be the many reasons or the many reasons being excuses for the one lone reason.. I've got no clue....

Wealth from the previous door remained in my backpack as i opened my current door and slowly dispersed as i traveled onwards. It may not have been obvious then, but these wealth had an impact on how I would travel along the path chosen. But as I prepare to close the current door, the wealth gained has been almost spent and its eating along with my previous wealth as well (dang!).

I just hope i'm strong enough to close this door and open another one for I suppose its not the end just yet...there's still a long journey ahead.....

To the march '06 intake: ALL THE BEST!!