Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a glass of milk.....

Right..i seem to be a monthly writter =p so i gues this will be this months' entry >.<. I've been thinking of late about an old philosophy(if you would call it that) on the half glass of milk. It is said that optimists would choose to think of the glass as half full where as the pessimists would choose to think that the glass is half empty. Well i sort of have a differing take on that. What if i said that the so called optimists were ignorant and their counterparts were much better off? How would that be so? Well lets see it from a different perspective; if he/she is in the "half-full" side of the saying, he/she would look upon his/her glass and would be contented with what he/she already has. But if the milk in the glass continues to diminish, they could still be contented with the statement that "is still partially full". Would you wait till the glass is empty before filling it up?

So how're about the "half-empty" side?..well he/she would definitely NOT be happy with the half glass of milk. He/she would want the whole glass filled. And heck, isn't that what we all want? Imagine going to a kopitiam and they serve you a half glass of kopi-peng at the same price as the full glass? Ridiculous right? You'd want your money's worth. What i'm trying to say is that the "pessimestic" side would half the initiative to get their glasses full instead of leaving it as a half glass of milk.

But all this fuss about a half glass of milk...its abit er.. uneccessary. So why don't we look at it from another perspective. Think of the glass as your life..yeap your LIFE.. and the milk? think of it as the contents of your life - friends,family,memories,experiences. NOW, if we go back to the original interpretation and use it in this context: the person who views his/her life as half full, when it CAN be full, is the ignorant one eventhough he/she is contented with it. What's the point of living life when your fine with just "half-full"?? What happens when it's empty? Would you be in denial or would you then realise that you'd had better work to live your life to the fullest? That would be a reactive response or "knee-jerk" response. Overcome only when the problem hits you smack in face.

Then you come to the ones who are labled to be pessimistic. They'd want their life to be full. They would be proactive instead of reactive in making sure that their life isn't wasted (well we only have one life to live - depending on what each of us believe in). I know that this would be an ideal interpretation, not considering the faults and extremisims that exist. But then, its just my 2-cents worth...i get to have my say :)...

And although I'm not being as proactive as I can be... I'll try either way... cheers to life!
(but being proactive in writting...well... that'll depend XP)

Monday, June 23, 2008

closing a door...

Guess being on hols for too long allows one to wonder and ponder on life and its flow, for I have been thinking too much on the progression from one door to another at the end of my hols...

Then i thought, heck, life could be like going through a corridor of doors; each door giving a different path in life. Each door could be in different shapes and sizes, have different locks, have different keys and providing different outcomes, results and wealth.

The doors so far, have given me different and wonderful things; flowers, fruits, along with the thorns (but i guess thorns would just slow you down and not kill you... that which does not kill you, only makes you stronger..). However, the doors that I have gone through in the past have been relatively easy to close unlike the one i'm about to close. I'm pretty sure I know the reason why.. but it could be the many reasons or the many reasons being excuses for the one lone reason.. I've got no clue....

Wealth from the previous door remained in my backpack as i opened my current door and slowly dispersed as i traveled onwards. It may not have been obvious then, but these wealth had an impact on how I would travel along the path chosen. But as I prepare to close the current door, the wealth gained has been almost spent and its eating along with my previous wealth as well (dang!).

I just hope i'm strong enough to close this door and open another one for I suppose its not the end just yet...there's still a long journey ahead.....

To the march '06 intake: ALL THE BEST!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Ah its been what? 3 months since my last post?
Well 'twas a pretty hectic 3 months since january ; with 4 subjects in a short semester and one of them had to be project lab =.=". Now finally it has ended!!!!!

Feels kinda awkward actually. Can't believe the 2 years went by in just a flash. One moment i'm sitting down in the class for my orientation... the next, i'm handing up my last paper for the whole course. WOW! I'm partially relieved and saddened by the fact that the whole course has come to a close. Relieved for the fact that i can at least rest and think about my next step (for the next 3 months ++ XD) but saddened that my classmates will be leaving for further education in a few months.

Two years of study, mayhem and laughter with the whole class. Darn it... i'm gonna miss all of that. Thirteen of us.. (kinda reminds me of the RC gang - 13 ppl there too XP).. alot memories, just too bad we won't be able to study together till we work. Naive-ness aside, hope we'll still be "bff"s for many year to come ('',).

Okay now for the next 3++ months... got to find productive stuff to do... (hehe). Need to get a checklist..hmm.... will think about it after i let my brain have abit more of a vacation XP...